This website approximately 85% completed, and it contains 9396 words, and a hyperlinked table of contents.  The material in this e-book still requires some editing.  Some additional text will also be added before it is completed.


Calculation Devices for Algebra and Trigonometry,

With Related Theories and Techniques for Creating

Calculation Devices in the JavaScript and Spreadsheet Formats

^Topic of this website^

Created by 2010©

To contact the author use the above email address, or

left click on these words for a website communication form.


What Does This Website Offer?


This website provides a number of free calculation devices for algebra and trigonometry in the JavaScript and spreadsheet formats.  This is coupled with related information, including theories and techniques involved with the design of calculation devices.  Much of this information is focused on the novel use of spreadsheet software, as a computer language, to create dedicated calculation devices in the JavaScript and spreadsheet formats.


For the links for the JavaScript and spreadsheet calculation devices left on these words, or go to:



The Calculation Devices,


Many of the calculation devices from this website function online, and they are in the JavaScript format.  Devices that do not function online are in the spreadsheet format, and they will be available by downloading.  Most of these calculation devices are on separate websites that are directly linked to this webpage.  These websites contain calculation devices embedded in webpages, download links, and instructions.  On some of these websites I also provide information on theories, concepts and techniques by using a specific calculation device as an example.  Portions of this information have been placed on this website, and are incorporated in the following topics and subtopics.



This Website is An E-Book,

With a Series of Topics, Subtopics,

And a Hyperlinked Table of Contents.


Each topic is written as an independent article, with the assumption that the reader may not have read previous topics in this e-book.  Thus, relevant information may be repeated in some of the topics.  All of the topics are written primarily for individuals with relatively advanced backgrounds in mathematics and spreadsheet software.  This is because creating calculation devices is an advanced topic, involving a type of computer programming with mathematical concepts.



Links for Additional Information and Resources


Links to websites, created by other authors, are provided in this e-book,, for additional information and resources, and a diverse perspective on spreadsheets, mathematics, and calculation devices.  This includes links for instructional videos, and various types of free software available for download.




Left click with the mouse, on the upper portion of the blue

words that relate to the topic or subtopic you are interested in.


The Top of the Webpage. Error! Bookmark not defined.


Calculation Devices for Algebra and Trigonometry, 1

With Related Theories and Techniques for Creating. 1

Calculation Devices in the JavaScript and Spreadsheet Formats. 1

^Topic of this website^. 1

What Does This Website Offer?. 2

^Subtopic^ 2

The Calculation Devices, 3

^Subtopic^ 3

This Website is An E-Book, 4

With a Series of Topics, Subtopics, 4

And a Hyperlinked Table of Contents. 4

^Subtopic^ 4

Links for Additional Information and Resources. 5

^Subtopic^ 5

System Requirements For the Dedicated. 20

Calculation Devices Provided From this Website. 20

^Topic^. 20

The Software Requirements for the  20

JavaScript Calculation Devices. 21

^Subtopic^. 21

Software Requirements for the. 22

Spreadsheet Calculation Devices. 22

^Subtopic^. 22

The Computer Requirements for the Calculation Devices. 23

^Subtopic^. 23

General Concepts and Utility of 24

Dedicated Calculation Devices. 24

^Topic^. 24

What Are Dedicated Calculation Devices?  24

^Subtopic^. 24

What Are the Advantages of Dedicated Calculation. 25

Devices Over Conventional Mathematics Software?. 26

^Subtopic^ 26

^Subtopic^ 26

What Are the Disadvantages of 29

Dedicated Calculation Devices?. 29

^Subtopic^ 29

There Are Many Dedicated Calculation Devices. 30

On The Internet, For Many Types Of Calculations. 30

^Subtopic^ 30

A Simplified View of 31

Creating Dedicated Calculation Devices, 32

In the Spreadsheet and Javascript Formats. 32

^Topic^. 32

How Are Dedicated Calculation Devices Created? ^Subtopic^ 32

Creating Dedicated Calculation Devices  33

In JavaScript to function online on the Internet. 33

^Subtopic^ 33

From A Mathematical Perspective, 35

How Are Dedicated Calculation Devices  35

Created in the Spreadsheet Format for Algebra?. 35

^Topic^ 36

Two Basic Methods of Creating Calculation Devices. 36

With Conventional: Algebraic Equations and Formulas. 36

^Subtopic^. 36

Creating Calculation Devices. 38

In the Spreadsheet Format, by Using  38

Cell Designations to Represent the Letters in Formulas. 38

^Subtopic^. 38

Creating Calculation Devices in the Spreadsheet Format, 44

By Renaming Relevant Cells with the Letters in the Formulas. 44

^Subtopic^ 44

The Two Methods Discussed Above : 49

Using Cell Designations to Represent Letters in Formulas, 49

Or Renaming Cells to Match Letters in Formulas. 49

^Subtopic^ 50

The two methods discussed in the previous subtopics, for creating calculation devices using conventional formulas are both quite useful.  Both of these methods can be used on the same spreadsheet, to make a calculation device. 50

Generally, renaming cells to match letters in formulas is usually the most efficient technique.  It reduces the chances of making errors when creating a complex calculation device.  If there is an error, it may be easier to spot the difficulty, when cells have been renamed to match the letters in formulas. 50

However, there are situations where the alternative technique is easier and more efficient, which is using cell designations to represent the letters in formulas.  One of these situations is where many copies of the same formula are required all the way down a column, or cross a row. This is illustrated in the following example: 50

Let us assume we need 100 copies of the formula 2X=N, all the way down a column, with 100 input cells, and 100 display cells.  We can write this formula (2X=N) in terms of cell designations as =2*A1.  (If we put this formula in cell B1, cell A1 will be the input box, and cell B1 will be the display cell.  That is whatever number is put in cell A1 will be multiplied by two, and displayed in cell B1. )   To make the 100 copies of the formula we can use the following technique: 51

Step 1) Enter =2*A1, in cell B, as indicated above. 51

Step 2) Copy the formula =2*A1, in cell B with the copy function. 52

Step 3) Select the cells from B2 down the column to B100. 52

Step 4) Click on the paste function, or press Ctrl and V. 52

The four steps above will produce 100 formulas, each with its own input cell, and display cell.  There is a slightly different alternative method that can do the job just as well various, listed below: 52

Step 1) Carefully place the mouse cruiser on the lower left side of cell B1 (which contains the formula =2*A1). 52

Step 2) Hold down the left button on the mouse, and carefully move down to cell B100.  When you reach cell B100 release the left mouse button. 52

Another situation using the default cell designations may be preferable, for some people, is when the calculation devices involves one or two formulas, or when you are entering the default formulas provided with the spreadsheet software. This technique might save a little time, and complexity, for some people, because it eliminates the step of renaming spreadsheet cells. 53

If you are making conventional spreadsheets, such as for addition, subtraction, percentages, there is usually no reason to rename cells.  This is especially the case if you are using default spreadsheet formulas, from the toolbar. 53

When a calculation device has been completed, it is usually not relevant which of the two techniques were used to create it.  The level of utility and functionality of a properly designed calculation device is not determined by the technique that was used to create it.  This can be seen in the next two subtopics. 53

Below there are download links for a calculation device that was created by replacing the letters in a conventional formula with cell designations.  This is followed by a subtopic that provides the same calculation device created by renaming the relevant cells on a spreadsheet to match the letters in a conventional formula.  The above calculation devices are in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and in JavaScript.  When you compare these devices you probably will not notice any difference that relate to the technique that was used to create them. 54

Calculation Devices for Free Download, or Online Viewing. 55

Created By Substituting Cell Designations for Variables. 55

^Subtopic^. 55

Calculation Devices for Free Download, or Online Viewing. 57

Created By Renaming Cells to Match the Letter in Formulas. 57

^Subtopic^. 57

Error Checking Device. 59

^Topic^. 59

What Are Error-Checking Devices  59

^Subtopic^. 59

Error-checking devices, based on the way I am using the terminology in this text, are mechanisms that are incorporated into a calculation device that checks calculations for errors, or evaluates the accuracy of calculations.  The error-checking devices may display text that indicates if there are errors in the calculation, such as Error, or No Error.  Some of these devices display numbers, indicating the relative degree of error or accuracy.  This can involve the display of the degree of error or accuracy in percentage, such as 0% error, or accuracy 100%. 59

The simplest error-checking devices display two numbers in separate display boxes.  One number represents the left side of an equation, and the other the right side.  If the numbers in both display boxes are equal there are no errors.  If the numbers in the display boxes are not equal there are errors.  A similar device, calculate the difference between the left and right side, by subtraction. If the result is zero there are no errors, but if the results is less than or greater than zero there are errors. 60

What Are Advantages of Error-Checking Devices. 61

^Subtopic^. 61

Creating A Simple Error Checking Device  63

^Subtopic^ 63

SPREADSHEET: Formulas, Symbols, and Cell Designations, 68

Is this A Computer Language?. 68

^Topic^. 68

The Formulas, Symbolic Logic, Formatting Code, 68

Notation, and other Aspects of Spreadsheets, can be. 69

Conceptualized as a Higher-Level Computer Language. 69

^Topic^. 69

Introductory Note. 69

^Subtopic^. 69

The Utility, Concepts and Supporting Arguments. 69

Of A Spreadsheet Computer Language  69

^Subtopic^. 69

The Spreadsheet Formulas for 77

The Multiple-Algebraic Calculator, and  77

Useful Techniques for Advanced Spreadsheet Users. 77

^Subtopic^. 77

Converting Conventional Formulas to Spreadsheet Formulas. 78

By Replacing Letters in the Formula with Cell Designations. 78

^Subtopic^. 78

Converting Conventional Formulas  80

To Spreadsheet Formulas by Renaming  80

the Relevant Cells, with the Letters in the Formula. 80

^Subtopic^. 80

The following Example will Clarify the Two Methods. 81

Described Above. (Converting Formulas with. 81

Cell Designations, or Renaming Cells)  81

^Subtopic^. 81

Specialized Design Concepts. 82

For Calculation Devices That Perform   82

Complex Multiple Calculations Simultaneously. 82

^Topic^. 83

Creating a Calculation Device That Performs. 83

Multiple Calculations in a Chain Like Sequence. 83

^Subtopic^. 83

How Are Connections Between Formulas Created?. 84

^Subtopic^. 84

A Number of Spreadsheet Formulas  87

Connected to the Same Data Source  87

^Subtopic^. 87

Spreadsheet Formula Connections Resemble the. 90

Series and Parallel Connections used in Electronics. 90

^Subtopic^. 90

Two Types Of Computing Sequential (Series) Non-Sequential Parallel 94

^Subtopic^. 94

Algebraic Calculation Devices, For Linear Equations. 94

^Topic^. 94

Algebraic Calculation Devices For Nonlinear Equations. 94

^Topic^. 94

A Calculation Device To Solve Quadratic Equations. 95

^Subtopic^ 95

Trigonometric Calculation Devices  95

^Topic^. 95

Algebraic Calculation Devices Two Unknowns. 95

^Topic^. 95

Algebraic Calculation Devices that Perform a Number of Calculations Simultaneously. 95

^Topic^. 95

Websites Created By Other Authors, for 95

Additional Information and Resources, and. 95

Alternative Perspectives. 95

Topic^ 96




System Requirements For the Dedicated

Calculation Devices Provided From this Website




The Software Requirements for the

JavaScript Calculation Devices


The JavaScript calculation devices I created will function with any modern operating system and Internet browser that have JavaScript functionality.  This includes the most popular operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, but I have only tested the calculation devices with Microsoft Windows. 


Most, if not all, modern browsers have JavaScript functionality.  If you do not have a browser that supports JavaScript, or want to upgrade, you can obtain browsers for free, by downloading them from the websites listed at the end of this paragraph.  To go to any of the websites listed, left click on a blue web link.  If a link fails to function, it is most likely because the web address was changed, by the manufacture of the browser.  If this happens, you should do an Internet search, preferably with Google, using the name of the browser, and the word download, such as Internet Explorer download.


Internet Explorer






Google Chrome



Software Requirements for the

Spreadsheet Calculation Devices


The calculation devices that I created in the spreadsheet format require Microsoft Excel, or the software package, and the Windows operating system.  If you do not have Microsoft Excel, you should download the software package, because it is free.  This software package is almost as good as Microsoft Office, and it contains spreadsheet software (OpenOffice Calc) that has most of the functionality of Microsoft Excel. 


To download the free OpenOffice software package, left click on these words, or go to the following website:



The Computer Requirements for the Calculation Devices


The JavaScript and spreadsheet calculation devices I created for this website do not require much computer resources.  Any computer that has enough memory and processing power to run a modern operating system, and spreadsheet software, will have enough power for all of the calculation devices provided from this website. 


Incidentally, highly complex calculation devices, involving thousands of formulas, may require a relatively powerful computer, to function optimally.  However, the most complex devices created for this website involve less than 150 formulas.



General Concepts and Utility of

Dedicated Calculation Devices




What Are Dedicated Calculation Devices?


Based on the way I am using the terminology, dedicated calculation devices are software based devices that are designed to carry out a specific type, category or set of calculations.   The dedicated devices are very different than conventional mathematics software that can perform many types of calculations, such as conventional spreadsheets, the Windows calculator, MathCAD, Mathematica, etc. 


However, dedicated calculation devices, have some unique advantages over conventional mathematics software. This includes practical utility that can only be obtained from dedicated calculation devices. This is explained in the following paragraphs.



What Are the Advantages of Dedicated Calculation

Devices Over Conventional Mathematics Software?



There are several very important uses and advantages that dedicated calculation devices have over conventional mathematics software, which include the following:   


1) Dedicated calculation devices can be created to perform a large number of calculations simultaneously, when the same input data applies to a set of calculations.  This can involve dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of calculations performed simultaneously, by one specially designed calculation device.  This can save time and work, and money for business.  With a large set of highly complex calculations that are frequently carried out, several weeks of work might be saved each year.


2) Dedicated calculation devices are usually very user-friendly.  These devices can be designed for users without mathematical backgrounds, (such as clerks, and administrative assistants) so that they can perform very complex calculations, just by entering data and clicking with the mouse.  This can give managers the ability to obtain complex mathematical feedback, with out delay and with out waiting for the assistance of mathematicians.  This also can save time and work, and the expense of hiring experts to carry out complex calculations that are frequently performed.


3) Dedicated calculation devices can be designed for advertising and sales.  This can involve calculation devices that function over the Internet that relate to the potential cost of products or services.  Examples are calculation devices that calculate the cost of loans, and mortgage versus rent.  Especially useful for sales over the Internet are calculation devices with submit buttons.  These devices add up the total cost of the items the customer enters.  Then the customer finalizes the purchase by entering a credit card number, and pressing a submit button.


4) Dedicated calculation devices can be designed for educational purposes.  This can involve the illustration of a series of steps needed to solve a math problem.  Testing of mathematical skills can be carried out over the Internet with devices designed with submit buttons, in the JavaScript format.  Dedicated calculation devices can be designed for practicing mathematics.  This can involve a device that presents the same math problem with a new set of numbers each time a button is pressed. 




What Are the Disadvantages of

Dedicated Calculation Devices?


Dedicated calculation devices are time consuming to create, and they must be designed for a specific type, category or set of calculations.  Thus, creating these devices is only practical when the same type of calculation is required on a regular basis.  If this is not the case, using conventional mathematics software, such as spreadsheets, MathCAD, or even a hand held calculator is the best option, unless you can find a dedicated calculation device that already exists.



There Are Many Dedicated Calculation Devices

On The Internet, For Many Types Of Calculations


There are many dedicated calculation devices on the Internet, especially for commonly performed calculations.  Some of these devices I have created myself, and they are listed at  You can find calculation devices on the Internet created by many other authors by using the search phrase that relates to the calculations you want to perform.  This is of course a trial and error type of search. For common mathematical problems, you will probably find an appropriate online dedicated calculation device on the Internet. 


However, for highly unusual or highly specialized calculations the best option for an individual is to use a hand-held calculator, or conventional mathematics software.  The best option for a large or medium-size business is to hire someone to create the required dedicated calculation device.



A Simplified View of

Creating Dedicated Calculation Devices,

In the Spreadsheet and Javascript Formats



How Are Dedicated Calculation Devices Created?

Almost any programming language can be used to create dedicated calculation devices.  However, writing computer code for these devices can be very time-consuming.  Some of the devices I have created have hundreds or even thousands of lines of code.  One of the devices that I created had 82 pages of computer code.  It can take many days, weeks, or even months to create these devices by writing code.


However, I DO NOT create calculation devices by writing conventional computer code.  I create them using spreadsheet software, but these devices generally do not look like or function like conventional spreadsheets.  They have clearly delineated input boxes for data, and clearly defined sections for the calculated results.  They are designed so that data can only be entered in the input boxes, and the calculated results are presented in relatively large display boxes.  Just like conventional software, these calculation devices can be reused indefinitely, and they are not consumed like a conventional spreadsheet. However, they cannot operate without the spreadsheet software that was used to create them, and they cannot function over the Internet. 



Creating Dedicated Calculation Devices

In JavaScript to function online on the Internet.



When I create calculation devices for the Internet (for online functionality from a website) I also start with spreadsheet software.  This involves creating a dedicated calculation device in the spreadsheet format, and converting it to JavaScript and HTML code with specialized software.  The calculation mechanism is in JavaScript, and the HTML code is for the text, color and graphics. 


After the conversion process is completed, it is usually necessary to slightly edit the resulting computer code, in an HTML editor, to maximize functionality and aesthetics of the calculation device.  After this editing process is complete, I usually copy the code and paste it into a webpage I design for the device. 


The above can sometimes be time-consuming.  This is because it is necessary to create a device in a spreadsheet format that successfully converts to JavaScript without aesthetic imperfections.  This often involves a trial and error process.  However creating a JavaScript device from the spreadsheet format usually requires anywhere from 5 to 150 hours, instead of weeks or months that can be required for writing conventional code.  When aesthetics are not important, and the calculation device is relatively simple, the whole process of designing and building a calculation device in the spreadsheet format, and converting it to JavaScript may require only a few minutes.



From A Mathematical Perspective,

How Are Dedicated Calculation Devices

Created in the Spreadsheet Format for Algebra?



Two Basic Methods of Creating Calculation Devices

With Conventional: Algebraic Equations and Formulas


In this topic I am presenting two methods of creating dedicated calculation devices in the spreadsheet format, with conventional algebraic equations and formulas.  Both of these methods result in devices that can be directly converted to JavaScript with appropriate software.


The first technique involves using cell designations to represent the letters in conventional equations and formulas.  The second technique involves renaming cells with the letters in the equations and formulas.  (That is the default cell designations are replaced with the letters in the equations and formulas.)  With both of these techniques, it is necessary to write algebraic equations in terms of letters.  Then the equations can be solved for the unknowns in terms of letters.  This results in formulas for the unknowns.  These formulas must be converted to spreadsheet formulas, using the techniques explained in the following subtopics.


Note: Another method of creating calculation devices involves using the Goal Seek mechanism available in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and probably some other brands of spreadsheet software.  With the Goal Seek mechanism the spreadsheet software solves equations, using a type of trial and error process.  This is especially useful for algebraic equations that cannot be solved with conventional techniques, or equations that are time consuming or difficult to solve with conventional methods.  However, to use the Goal Seek mechanism it is necessary to convert algebraic equations into a format that can be used in a spreadsheet.  This can be done with either of the techniques mentioned above. 


Unfortunately, calculation devices created with the goal seek function cannot be converted into the JavaScript format, with currently available technology.  Thus, I am not presenting this technique in any further detail in this text.




Creating Calculation Devices

In the Spreadsheet Format, by Using

Cell Designations to Represent the Letters in Formulas



Using cells to represent variables is one of the most practical ways of creating calculation devices.  It can be useful for all types of calculations, including algebra.  This method is described below in a step-by-step way.


The first step involves solving an equation that relates to the calculation device that you want to create.  This equation should be general enough to define the set of equations you want to solve.  I will use the following simple equation as an example: AX+BX+CX =N.  Keep in mind that this equation represents a set of many equations, (an infinite set) where the letters A, B, C and N can have many different values.  For example, all of the following equations belong to the set:


5X+3X+3X =100,


-7X-2X-9X =666


999X+333X-4X =10000


-3X-7X =100.


(when A=0) 3X+9X =36,


(when A and B=0) 10X =1000,



This equation AX+BX+CX=N can easily be solved for X. as follows X(A+B+C)=N,  and then X=N/(A+B+C)  The result for X, highlighted in yellow, can be used as a spreadsheet formula, with the modifications described below.


The next step, with this method, is to use the cells in a spreadsheet to represent the values of A, B, C, and N.  We can actually use any set of cells we choose, but for convenience, I will use the following:


A=cell D11 ,


B= cell D12,


C= cell D13


N= cell D14


The next step is to write the results of the equation we solved above X=N/(A+B+C) in terms of the above cells.  When this is done we have X=D14/(D11+D12+D13).  Now we must assign a cell to represent the calculated result for X.  I will use cell D16=X.  The formula we derived above (X=D14/(D11+D12+D13) provides the calculated value of X.  If we place the formula =D14/(D11+D12+D13) in cell D16, for example, the D16 will display the calculated value of X. Note the letter X is not part of the formula that is put into cell D16, and the same applies to A, B, C, N.  


With the method that I am describing here, the spreadsheet cannot recognize the meaning or value of letters.  However, it is necessary to place the letters A, B, C, N, and X next to the cells that we used to represent them, so that the user will know where to enter the numbers, and where to find the value of X.  The most convenient place is to put these letters to the *left of the numbers within an equal sign, as follows:   


A= is placed in cell C11 because we used cell D11 to represent A


B= is placed in cell C12 because we used cell D12 to represent B


C= is placed in cell C13 because we used cell D13 to represent C


N= is placed in cell C14 because we used cell D14 to represent N


X= is placed in cell C16 because we used cell D16 for the calculated result which is the value of X. 


*NOTE, the above input boxes can be labeled many other ways, such as by placing the letters A, B, K, N, on top of the input box.  When an input box is labeled with a word, I often place the label on top, or sometimes on the bottom of the input box.


The technique described above, is probably the simplest way of creating a calculation device.  However, this method has some disadvantages.  Rewriting formulas in terms of cell designations can result in errors, and it can be tedious when a formula has many terms.  It is also difficult to explain a formula written in terms of cell designations to others, because each term has a letter and number.  For example, 6+Y can be rewritten for a spreadsheet as 6+ D10, and it can be misinterpreted by a person as 6+ 10 times D.  All of these difficulties can be eliminated with the technique described in the following subtopic.



Creating Calculation Devices in the Spreadsheet Format,

By Renaming Relevant Cells with the Letters in the Formulas


The first two or three steps with this technique are the same as the alternative method described above.  That is, write an equation that you want to solve, in terms of letters.  Then, solve the equation for the unknown.  


I am using the same equation that I used in the previous subtopic as an example, but I am replacing the letter C with K, because of technical reasons.  When this equation AX+BX+KX=N is solved for the unknown, X, the result is X=N/(A+B+K). 


The next step is to choose a set of cells on the spreadsheet to serve as input boxes, where the user will enter the values of: A, B, K, and N.  (For this example, I am using Cell B2, Cell B3, Cell B4, and Cell B5.)  The input boxes should be labeled by placing the appropriate letter, with an equal sign, to the *left of the input boxes, such as:


A=[Input Box Cell B2]


B=[Input Box Cell B3]


K=[Input Box Cell B4]


N=[Input Box Cell B5]


*NOTE, the above input boxes can be labeled many other ways, such as by placing the letters A, B, K, N, on top of the input box.  When an input box is labeled with a word, I often place the label on top, or sometimes on the bottom of the input box.


Here is the difference between this technique, and the method described in the previous subtopic.  After the above has been completed, the variables A, B, K, and N are defined in terms of the input boxes shown above.  This simply means that the four cells (B2, B3, B4, B5) are renamed to: A, B, K, and N.  This renaming technique is done with a mechanism designed for the purpose, which is available in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Calc, and some other brands of spreadsheet software. 


Specifically, the four cells are renamed as shown below, which results in the indicated relationships between the cells and letters.


Cell B2 is renamed to A  As a result of this renaming: wherever =A is placed on the spreadsheet, it will display the number or letters that the user enters in Cell B2.


Cell B3 is renamed to B   As a result of this renaming: wherever =B is placed on the spreadsheet it will display the number or letters that the user enters in Cell B3.


Cell B4 is renamed to K   As a result of this renaming: wherever =K is placed on the spreadsheet it will display the number or letters that the user enters in Cell B4.


Cell B5 is renamed to N   As a result of this renaming: wherever =N is placed on the spreadsheet it will display the number or letters that the user enters in Cell B5.


For example, if the number 5 is entered in cell B2, which is the input box for A, A would be equal to five.  If A was multiplied by 2, such as =2*A, and placed in any cell on the spreadsheet, the result would be 10.


Now, we can return to the equation that was obtained by solving AX+BX+KX=N for X, which is: X=N/(A+B+K).  This equation, highlighted in yellow, now can be used as a spreadsheet formula, assuming that the cells indicated above were appropriately renamed.  This simply involves removing the X. and placing the formula =N/(A+B+K) in a convenient cell on the spreadsheet.  For example, if we place =N/(A+B+K) in cell B6, B6 will display the calculated results.  We can also rename cell B6 to X.


Renaming cells that display calculated results, with an appropriate letter, or word, can be quite useful.  It can prevent confusion and errors when the calculated results must be transmitted to other formulas, or to error-checking devices, which are discussed in the next topic.



The Two Methods Discussed Above :

Using Cell Designations to Represent Letters in Formulas,

Or Renaming Cells to Match Letters in Formulas


The two methods discussed in the previous subtopics, for creating calculation devices using conventional formulas are both quite useful.  Both of these methods can be used on the same spreadsheet, to make a calculation device. 


Generally, renaming cells to match letters in formulas is usually the most efficient technique.  It reduces the chances of making errors when creating a complex calculation device.  If there is an error, it may be easier to spot the difficulty, when cells have been renamed to match the letters in formulas. 


However, there are situations where the alternative technique is easier and more efficient, which is using cell designations to represent the letters in formulas.  One of these situations is where many copies of the same formula are required all the way down a column, or cross a row. This is illustrated in the following example:


Let us assume we need 100 copies of the formula 2X=N, all the way down a column, with 100 input cells, and 100 display cells.  We can write this formula (2X=N) in terms of cell designations as =2*A1.  (If we put this formula in cell B1, cell A1 will be the input box, and cell B1 will be the display cell.  That is whatever number is put in cell A1 will be multiplied by two, and displayed in cell B1. )   To make the 100 copies of the formula we can use the following technique:


Step 1) Enter =2*A1, in cell B, as indicated above. 


Step 2) Copy the formula =2*A1, in cell B with the copy function. 


Step 3) Select the cells from B2 down the column to B100.


Step 4) Click on the paste function, or press Ctrl and V 


The four steps above will produce 100 formulas, each with its own input cell, and display cell.  There is a slightly different alternative method that can do the job just as well various, listed below:


Step 1) Carefully place the mouse cruiser on the lower left side of cell B1 (which contains the formula =2*A1). 


Step 2) Hold down the left button on the mouse, and carefully move down to cell B100.  When you reach cell B100 release the left mouse button.


Another situation using the default cell designations may be preferable, for some people, is when the calculation devices involves one or two formulas, or when you are entering the default formulas provided with the spreadsheet software. This technique might save a little time, and complexity, for some people, because it eliminates the step of renaming spreadsheet cells.  


If you are making conventional spreadsheets, such as for addition, subtraction, percentages, there is usually no reason to rename cells.  This is especially the case if you are using default spreadsheet formulas, from the toolbar.


When a calculation device has been completed, it is usually not relevant which of the two techniques were used to create it.  The level of utility and functionality of a properly designed calculation device is not determined by the technique that was used to create it.  This can be seen in the next two subtopics. 


Below there are download links for a calculation device that was created by replacing the letters in a conventional formula with cell designations.  This is followed by a subtopic that provides the same calculation device created by renaming the relevant cells on a spreadsheet to match the letters in a conventional formula.  The above calculation devices are in Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and in JavaScript.  When you compare these devices you probably will not notice any difference that relate to the technique that was used to create them.



Calculation Devices for Free Download, or Online Viewing

Created By Substituting Cell Designations for Variables.


If you want a calculation device that was created by Substituting Cell Designations for the letters in the equation: AX+BX+CX=N, left click on one or more of the following links.  (All of the following calculation devices solve the equation: AX+BX+CX=N, for X.):


If you want a calculation device that was created with Cell Designations, in Microsoft Excel format, left click on these words.


If you want the above calculation device (created by Substituting Cell Designations) in the newer 2007 version of Microsoft Excel, left click on these words for downloading.


If you want the above calculation device (created by Substituting Cell Designations) in the OpenOffice Calc format, left click on these words for downloading.


If you want the above calculation device (created by Substituting Cell Designations for Variables) in the JavaScript format for online viewing, left click on these words.


If you want the spreadsheet version of the calculator that was used to generate the JavaScript code, for the above, left click on these words. This is in the Microsoft Excel format.


If you want all of the above formats, in a single zip folder, left click on these words.




Calculation Devices for Free Download, or Online Viewing

Created By Renaming Cells to Match the Letter in Formulas


If you want calculation devices created by renaming spreadsheet cells to match the letters in AX+BX+KX=N left click on one or more of the following blue hyperlinks. (All of the following calculation devices solve the equation: AX+BX+KX=N, for X.):


If you want to above calculation device (created by Defining Variables in Terms of Cell Designations) in the Microsoft Excel format, left click on these words for downloading.


If you want the above calculation device (created by Defining Variables in Terms of Cell Designations) in the newer 2007 version of Microsoft Excel, left click on these words for downloading.  This requires the 2007 version of Excel.


If you want the above calculation device (created by Defining Variables in Terms of Cell Designations) in the OpenOffice Calc format, left click on these words for downloading.



If you want the above calculation device (created by Defining Variables in Terms of Cell Designations) in the JavaScript format for online viewing, left click on these words.


If you want the spreadsheet version of the calculator that was used to generate the JavaScript code, for the above, left click on these words. This is in the Microsoft Excel format.   


If you want ALL of the formats mentioned above, in a single zip folder, for free download, left click on these words.





Error Checking Device




What Are Error-Checking Devices


Error-checking devices, based on the way I am using the terminology in this text, are mechanisms that are incorporated into a calculation device that checks calculations for errors, or evaluates the accuracy of calculations.  The error-checking devices may display text that indicates if there are errors in the calculation, such as Error, or No Error.  Some of these devices display numbers, indicating the relative degree of error or accuracy.  This can involve the display of the degree of error or accuracy in percentage, such as 0% error, or accuracy 100%. 


The simplest error-checking devices display two numbers in separate display boxes.  One number represents the left side of an equation, and the other the right side.  If the numbers in both display boxes are equal there are no errors.  If the numbers in the display boxes are not equal there are errors.  A similar device, calculate the difference between the left and right side, by subtraction. If the result is zero there are no errors, but if the results is less than or greater than zero there are errors.



What Are Advantages of Error-Checking Devices.


The error checking devices can detect if malfunctions, in hardware, software, or the calculation device itself are causing calculation errors. Errors of this type are relatively rare.  Sometimes a calculation device can become corrupt, over time.  This can occasionally happen if the user inadvertently deletes a formula.  However, this is usually not a possibility, because most well-made calculation devices have

The error checking device can indicate when numbers entered by the user do not satisfy the equation.  There are default error checking devices in spreadsheet software, and also in JavaScript software that was created by converting a spreadsheet. The default devices indicate when the numbers entered by the user result in division by zero, or if the numbers are too large for the calculation device.


 If the fault error-checking does not display an error message.  That is there are default mechanism built into spreadsheet software that may display errors message when numbers do not satisfy an equation, IN SOME CASES.  For example, if the user entered numbers that result in division by zero, you will see a fault error message.


The error checking device can spot mathematical errors while a calculation device is under construction, and after it has been completed. This can save a considerable amount of time and effort, when creating complex calculation devices, especially if there are many formulas, and/or formulas that have many terms.


This device might also spot certain types of software and computer malfunctions that result in calculation errors, which are extremely rare.   


If there are errors that relate to the way the letters in the formula were defined, with the name mechanism, you will see the default error message in Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Calc, which is #NAME?  



Creating A Simple Error Checking Device


Note: if you did not read the previous subtopic thoroughly you may find the following confusing.  This is because, I am still using the above example, with the equation: AX+BX+KX=N.  The formula for the calculated value of X, is =N/(A+B+K), which is in cell B6.  This means cell B6 displays the calculated value for X. 



We can expand the utility of the principles, and technique described in the subtopic presented above to create an error checking device.  The additional utility becomes apparent when we rename cell B6 to X.  Keep in mind that with our example, cell B6 contains the formula that calculates the value for X, which is the formula highlighted in yellow =N/(A+B+K).  Thus, with this example, the value for X is displayed in cell B6. 


As a result of renaming cell B6 to X, the spreadsheet software can read and evaluate the unsolved equation that we started with, if we enter asterisks (*) to indicate multiplication, as such: A*X+B*X+K*X=N. 


If we place this equation without the N, =A*X+B*X+K*X in any cell on the spreadsheet, the value of N will be calculated, and displayed.  If we place =N in any cell on the spreadsheet the value the user entered for N will be accessed, and displayed.  If there are no errors the two values will be equal.  That is the calculated value for N will equal the value the user entered for N.  In general, the left side and right side of an equation must be equal.  With our example, the left side is (A*X+B*X+K*X) and right side is (N).


With the principles described above, we can create an error checking device that displays TRUE when there are no errors, and FALSE when there are errors.  To do this the above equation is placed in any convenient cell on the spreadsheet, with an additional equal sign on the left, as such =A*X+B*X+K*X=NIf there are no errors the implied equality represented by the equal sign (=) is true.  In such a case, Microsoft Excel, and OpenOffice Calc, will automatically display the word TRUE.  If there are errors, the implied equality between the left and right side of the equation is false, and the software will display the word FALSE.  This concept also works in the JavaScript formats, and probably with several other brands of spreadsheet software.


The simple error checking device described above can save time when creating a calculation device.  This is especially the case, when a calculation device requires a large number of complex equations, which must be converted to spreadsheet formulas.   The error checking device quickly checks formulas.  For example, if the equation =A*X+B*X+K*X=N was incorrectly solved for X, such as =N/(B+K) the word FALSE will appear in the cell that contains the equation: =A*X+B*X+K*X=N.  If the correct formula was entered, which is: =N/(A+B+K), you will see the word TRUE. 

Keep in mind that the above error checking device only works if all the letters in the formula were properly defined, with the name mechanism in the spreadsheet software, and numbers are entered for A, B, K, and N.  



The simple error checking device scribed above sometime display error messages, when there are no errors.  This can happen when the calculations are complex, especially if the numbers have many digits.  This happens as a result of rounding errors, which are usually not significant.  For example, FALSE will be displayed, indicating an error, if the user enters 10 for N, and the calculated value for N is A*X+B*X+K*X=9.999999999999.  This difficulty can be eliminated by using the ROUND function, set to five or six decimal places, as shown below:


=ROUND(A*X+B*X+K*X, 5)=ROUND(N, 5)





SPREADSHEET: Formulas, Symbols, and Cell Designations,

Is this A Computer Language?




The Formulas, Symbolic Logic, Formatting Code,

Notation, and other Aspects of Spreadsheets, can be

Conceptualized as a Higher-Level Computer Language.



Introductory Note


Note the concepts discussed in the following paragraphs applies to Microsoft Excel, OpenOffice Calc, and other advanced spreadsheet software.  There are brands of less complex spreadsheet software available, which may not have the versatility and functionality that are discussed in the following paragraphs.



The Utility, Concepts and Supporting Arguments

Of A Spreadsheet Computer Language


A concept that can be useful for developing creative skills with spreadsheet software is to realize you are dealing with a computer language that is based on mathematics and *symbolic logic.  I will call this the spreadsheet computer language.  If you are entering a few formulas, from the toolbar, or creating a conventional spreadsheet, the concept of a computer language is not apparent, and not even relevant.  However, when creating complex calculation devices, with sets of formulas that interact with each other in complex ways, it is helpful to understand the mathematics, logic and notation of spreadsheets as a computer language. 



Statements created with Spreadsheet functions for symbolic logic, resemble computer code


*The symbolic logic consists of logical statements written in an abbreviated form with spreadsheet functions, such as =IF(  ) =AND(), =OR().  This also includes any statement that can be defined as true or false, such as =A=B, =C<D, and =P>G.  The symbolic logic can involve long statements involving a number of spreadsheet functions, conventional formulas modified for spreadsheet use, logical statements that define a set of numbers, as well as text.  All of this certainly resembles computer code, and it is feasible to write a series of statements with this code that can perform many operations, including the following: 


Evaluate calculated results, for accuracy, or inaccuracy, and display related text


Display specified text when a predefined condition exists. For example, a device that calculates money, indication wither or no   


Channel numbers or text through various pathways to one or more cells, based on specified criteria. For example, sending even numbers to a set of spreadsheet cells on the left, and odd numbers to a set of spreadsheet cells on the right.


The type of calculations carried out on a set of numbers, can be controlled and written statements entered by the user.


Spreadsheet formulas Formulas also often look like computer code in complex calculation devices.  This is especially the case when formulas are lengthy, or when many formulas are connected in complex configurations, to obtain a calculated result.




Formatting code

The formatting code is also essentially a type of computer code.  (This is probably only familiar to very advanced spreadsheet users.)  The formatting code controls how numbers and letters are interpreted and displayed on a spreadsheet.  Numbers can be interpreted and displayed on a spreadsheet as a day, a month, a specific date, a time, a conventional number, scientific notation, a percentage, a fraction, as dollars, etc.  For example, 1 can mean any of the following depending on the formatting code”


Sunday (the code is dddd)


January, (the code is mmmm)


January 1, 1900, (the code is mmmm d, YYY)


100% (the code is 0.00%)


$1.00 (the code is $#,##0.00)


1 (the code is General).


The spreadsheet computer language provides ways to create connections between input cells (where the user enters numbers), output cells (which display calculated results), and formulas.  When using spreadsheet software in a conventional way, most of us probably do not think of creating connections between any of the above.  However, when creating complex calculation devices, it is necessary to devise precise connections between input and output cells and formulas.  This often involves very complex configurations, involving hundreds of connections, from input cells, to formulas, which may transmit their calculated results through connections to many other formulas.  This is the case with the Multiple-Algebraic Calculator.


I have not come across any sources that called the above a computer a language.  However, the notation, symbolic logic, the compact nature of formulas and formatting code, and a number of other aspects associated with spreadsheets, fit the definition of a higher-level computer language.  It also provides the versatility of a computer language, which is probably not apparent to most people that use spreadsheets.


Incidentally, Visual Basic, in Microsoft Excel, is generally referred to as a computer language, and is useful for creating macros.  Visual Basic is very different than the spreadsheet computer language that I discussed above.  However, the spreadsheet computer language can be converted to Visual Basic, but it can also be converted to JavaScript, and many other computer languages.  Just like with the languages used by humans, translation is not always perfect.  However, usually statements from one language can be translated to another, with both human and computer languages. 


The translation from the spreadsheet language to another computer language can be done manually or in many cases electronically, using specialized software.  Manual translation may not be feasible in many cases.  For example, the JavaScript version of the Multiple-Algebraic Calculator has over 4,000 lines of computer code, consisting of over 240,000 characters.  When placed in a Microsoft Word document this code required over 95 pages.  It would probably take an experienced JavaScript programmer many weeks if not months to translate the spreadsheet version of the Multiple-Algebraic Calculator to JavaScript manually. This would also require a programmer with expertise in algebra, trigonometry and calculus. 


Electronic translation of a calculation device created in the spreadsheet format to another computer language usually takes the computer about a minute or two.  (The Multiple-Algebraic Calculator was converted to JavaScript in less than two minutes.)  However, computer code obtained from electronic translation usually requires a little editing to improve the appearance or functionality of a calculation device. 



The Spreadsheet Formulas for 

The Multiple-Algebraic Calculator, and

Useful Techniques for Advanced Spreadsheet Users


Most of the spreadsheet formulas I used to create the multiple algebraic calculator, I created by solving conventional equations, for the variable I needed.  This essentially results in a conventional formula, which cannot be used in spreadsheets.  I then converted these formulas into spreadsheet formulas by making a few modifications.  This included using an asterisk (*) for multiplication, slashes (/) for division, and a carrot (^) with an appropriate number for square roots, cube roots, squares, etc.  However, the resulting formulas required further modification, because they contained letters that spreadsheet software CANNOT identify, in mathematical terms.   



Converting Conventional Formulas to Spreadsheet Formulas

By Replacing Letters in the Formula with Cell Designations


There are two basic ways to make the letters in a conventional formula meaningful to spreadsheet software.  One method involves the use of cell designations, which are the default names of spreadsheet cells, based on the way I am using the terminology.  Three examples of cell designations are, A5, B3, and G9.  Cell designations are also called cell references. 


     The basic technique of converting a conventional formula to a spreadsheet formula is to replace the letters in the formula with relevant cell designations.  (This must be coupled with the modifications discussed in the previous subtopic.)  The relevant cells are usually the input cells where the user enters numbers for the formula.  Sometimes relevant cells are cells that contain calculated results from other formulas. 



Converting Conventional Formulas

To Spreadsheet Formulas by Renaming

the Relevant Cells, with the Letters in the Formula.


Conventional formulas that have been rewritten with cell designations can be confusing to work with, and even more confusing when they are presented to other people for study.  The alternative to this technique is to define the letters in a formula in terms of cell designations.  This essentially involves renaming the cells on the spreadsheet to match the letters in the formula.  There is a mechanism in Microsoft Word, and OpenOffice Calc that provides this functionality.  With this technique the letters in the formula are not changed.



The following Example will Clarify the Two Methods

Described Above. (Converting Formulas with

Cell Designations, or Renaming Cells)


For illustration purposes I will use a simple formula for area, which is length multiplied by width equals the area.  This formula can be represented as L*W=A.  Now if we want to convert this into a spreadsheet formula, we must use two input cells, one for the user to enter the length and the other for the width.  For this example let us assume we are using cell B3 for length, and cell B4 for width.  With the first technique described above, the area formula must be rewritten in terms of cell designations, which in this case is =B3*B4.  Let us assume we are placing this formula in cell B10, which will display the calculated results.


With the alternative method described above, cell B3 is renamed to cell L, and cell B4 is renamed to cell W, and the letters in the formula are not changed, but the equal sign is always placed on the left side, as such: =L*W.  If we place this formula in cell B10, our calculated results will be displayed in cell B10.


Cell B10 can also be renamed if necessary, which can involve a letter, such as A, or even a word such as area.  This renaming would make it quite easy to transfer the calculated results to another formula.  This is explained in more detail in the following topic.



Specialized Design Concepts

For Calculation Devices That Perform

Complex Multiple Calculations Simultaneously



Creating a Calculation Device That Performs

Multiple Calculations in a Chain Like Sequence


If several formulas are placed on a spreadsheet, they will not result in a calculation device that performs multiple calculations simultaneously.  The formulas must be connected to each other in a logical configuration.  This generally involves creating a structure where the output (calculated result) of one formula, is fed into one or more other formulas.  This is similar to connecting electronic components to each other on a circuit board.  The connections lead from one component to another in predetermined pathways through wires.  With spreadsheet formulas there are no wires, but we can think of the connections as virtual wires, or imaginary wires.  However, the important idea to understand is the connections between formulas are real.



How Are Connections Between Formulas Created?


How are connections between formulas created for a set of multiple calculations that are carried out simultaneously?  The answer is with cell designations.  Specifically, connections between formulas are created when the cell designation of a calculated result from one formula, is used in another formula.  For an example, let us assume that there is a formula in cell B10, and we want to multiply this result by 2, and place it in cell D10.  To do this, we create the following formula =2*B10, and place it in cell D10.  This can be continued, in a repeating chain like sequence, to additional formulas.  If we want to add 100 to the result from cell D10 and place it in cell D20 we write the following formula =D10+100, and place it in cell D20.  If we want to divide the results from cell D20 by 100, and place it in cell D30, we write the formula =D20/100, and place it in cell D30.   This sequence can continue for hundreds of formulas in JavaScript and thousands in the spreadsheet format. (This is an estimate based on the computer and software I own.)   


Note, sometimes it is convenient to replace the default cell designations, with names, such as a letter or word.  When this is the case, the names can be used in the same way that the cell designations are used to connect a series of formulas in a chain like sequence.  Keep in mind that cell designations are actually the default names.  If a cell is renamed A, B, area, time, mass, money, taxes, or payroll, all of the techniques, principles, and examples that apply to the cell designations also apply to the renamed cells.


When formulas are connected in a chain like configuration as described above, the calculated result of the first formula in the chain is needed to calculate the second result.  The third result cannot be calculated until the second result has been calculated.  This sequence continues throughout the chain.  Thus, when formulas are connected in the chain configuration, the computer must calculate the results in sequence.  That is it must calculate the result from the first formula in the chain, then the result from the second formula, followed by the third, fourth, fifth, etc. 


Generally a sequential chain of calculations involving a number of formulas, are carried out at a very rapid rate, and from the perception of the user, all the calculations appear to be calculated simultaneously.  I use the words simultaneously or simultaneous from the perception of the user in this text, unless otherwise noted.


A sequential chain of formulas on a spreadsheet is not the only configuration that will result in multiple calculations that are carried out simultaneously.  This is explained in the next subsection.



A Number of Spreadsheet Formulas

Connected to the Same Data Source


One or more input cells can be connected to many formulas for multiple and simultaneous calculations.  For example, let us assume that A3 and A4 are input cells.  When the user enters numbers in A3 and A4, and presses the enter key, all of the following formulas will calculate results simultaneously.  With this example, all the results are determined by the numbers entered into cells A3 and A4:


=A3*A4,  =A3+A4,  =A3^A4, =A3/A4,  =A3^2, =A3^3,  =2*A3,  =2+A3,  =A3/2,  =A4^2,  =A4^3, =2*A4, =2+A4,  =A4/2.  


I am continuing with the above example.  If we have spreadsheet formulas that have additional input sources, besides cells A3 and A4, they will also be calculated simultaneously, but there calculated results will not be totally determined by the numbers in cells A3 and A4.  The following set of formulas is an example:  


=B2*A3*A4,  =C4+A3+A4,  =(C5+A3)^A4, =B3/A4,  =(B2+A3)^2, =(C2+A3)^3,  =2*B7*A3,  =2*B4+A3,


With the examples presented above, the spreadsheet formulas were connected to input cells, where the user enters numbers.  However, the above configuration, or something similar to it, can involve a number of formulas that are connected to one or more formulas.  That is in stead of input cells, the above formulas could have been connected to the calculated results from one or more other formulas.  This concept is important for creating complex calculation devices, which often require many formulas connected to each other in complex configurations.



Spreadsheet Formula Connections Resemble the

Series and Parallel Connections used in Electronics


The spreadsheet formula connections (discussed above, in three subtopics) are similar to the series and parallel connections in electronics.  See the following websites for information on this concept from the prospective of electronics:  


The first technique described above, (connecting formulas in a chain like sequence) is similar to electronic components connected in series.  When electronic components are connected in this way, the electric current flows from one component to another, and if one component fails, it will affect the entire circuit.  The same applies to a malfunctioning spreadsheet formula connected in this type of configuration.  Small Christmas tree lights are often connected in series, on a long wire, and if one light malfunctions, it will cause the entire string of lights to malfunction.


The second method discussed above, involved connecting spreadsheet formulas to the same data source.  The simplest example of this type of connection is one or more formulas connected directly to a set of input cells.  This is similar to connecting electronic components in parallel.  Parallel connections are essentially independent from other electronic components on the circuit.  For example, the lighting circuits used in homes and business establishments are generally connected in parallel.  If one light bulb malfunctions, it will not affect other light bulbs on the circuit.  The same applies to spreadsheet formulas that are connected in parallel.  If one formula fails, it will not affect the calculated results of other formulas, assuming that the connections truly fit the parallel configuration.


With both spreadsheet formulas and electronic components, the connections needed to create a complex device usually involve both series and parallel configurations.  This can consist of a number of components connected in series, which branch off to one or more parallel connections.  A parallel connection can also branch off to one or more sets of components that are connected in series.  The out put of two or more connections are sometimes channeled into one component.  For example, the calculated results of a number of formulas can be channeled into one formula for additional calculations.  This can involve calculating the sum of several calculated results.  


The concept of series and parallel connections, as discussed above, is not limited to spreadsheets and electronics.  Formulas in JavaScript or any other computer language can be connected in series or in parallel, or a combination of both.  However, I do not know of any source that used the terminology: series or parallel connections in relation to spreadsheets or any other computer language.  Perhaps the reason for this is there are no wires or any physical connections involved with software based formulas.  Nevertheless, the concept (of series and parallel connections) can be quite useful for designing, explaining, and studying, complex calculation devices, with intricate formula configurations.







Two Types Of Computing Sequential (Series) Non-Sequential Parallel






Algebraic Calculation Devices, For Linear Equations





Algebraic Calculation Devices For Nonlinear Equations



A Calculation Device To Solve Quadratic Equations




Trigonometric Calculation Devices




Algebraic Calculation Devices Two Unknowns



Algebraic Calculation Devices that Perform a Number of Calculations Simultaneously





Websites Created By Other Authors, for

Additional Information and Resources, and

Alternative Perspectives



Words on website: University of Akron  This is the review of Algebra in 10 lessons

This essentially a free review course on algebra, and it is provided in the PDF format.


Words on website: financial accounting

This is an e-book on accounting


List of Websites for spreadsheets


words of website:\\



Words on website: A video instructional series on statistics for college and high school classrooms and adult learners; 26 half-hour video programs and coordinated books