The TechForText Network is a complex of over 50 individual websites that are directly or indirectly linked together.  The websites offer: Articles, E-books, Downloads, Online software, and Products and Services to individuals, businesses, and governmental agencies, worldwide through the Internet.

The articles and e-books cover MANY topics, including various aspects of business, the human behavior sciences, and problem solving.  The downloads and online software include calculation devices, electronic calendars, and other items.  The articles, e-books, downloads, and online software, are provided without charge, unless otherwise noted.

The number and variety of websites, articles, e-books, and downloads, in the TechForText Network is expected to expand greatly over the upcoming months and years.  The TechForText Network is designed for continuous growth and expansion.  The variety of products and services offered through the network is expected to increase greatly as well.  

For additional information, and a list of the websites in the TechForText Network, scroll down or left click on a blue heading in the table of contents.



The TechForText Network


To listen to a narration of the text, recorded on sound files, click on the following links.  If you want to read the text, scroll down.



For part one of the narration, left click here (7:29 min.)

For part two of the narration, left click here (5:59 min.)

For part three of the narration, left click here (2:25 min.)




What is the TechForText Network?


The TechForText Network is a complex of over 50 individual websites that are directly or indirectly linked together.  The websites offer: Articles, E-books, Downloads, Online software, and Products and Services to individuals, businesses, and governmental agencies, worldwide through the Internet.

The articles and e-books cover MANY topics, including various aspects of business, and the human behavior sciences.  The downloads and online software include calculation devices, electronic calendars, and other items.  The articles, e-books, downloads, and online software, are provided without charge, unless otherwise noted.

The number and variety of websites, articles, e-books, and downloads, in the TechForText Network is expected to expand greatly over the upcoming months and years.  The TechForText Network is designed for continuous growth and expansion.  The variety of products and services offered through the network is expected to increase greatly as well.  

For additional information, and a list of the websites in the TechForText Network, scroll down or left click on a blue heading in the table of contents.








Articles, E-Books and Other Information Resources From the TechForText Network


The articles and e-books from the TechForText Network contain over one half million words, to date.  Most of the e-books provide a hyperlinked table of contents, and a choice of reading or listening with sound recordings.  The books and articles cover aspects of business, marketing, management, psychology, social psychology, budgeting, mathematics, problem solving, writing, biology, photography, and more.  Some of the information in the e-books and articles is not widely available, or is poorly explained in other sources.  Much of the material is presented or explained from a unique or creative perspective. 

 The information provided by the TechForText Network, including the e-books and articles, are generally supplemented with a large number of links for resources on the Internet, such as for additional information, professional or technical assistance, and different points of views on a topic.  Conventional and specialized search engines and directories, from many providers, are also available from links in some of the articles and e-books.  With all of this the TechForText Network is a complete reference source for many topics.



The Downloads and Online Software From the TechForText Network


Most of the downloads provided by the TechForText Network, are various types of calculation devices, databases, and electronic calendars, diaries, and project sheets.  The calendars, diaries and project sheets, calculate a series of dates, as soon as a start date and/or end date is entered. 

Some of these calculation devices are software in the JavaScript format.  However, most of the downloads are in a spreadsheet format, but they do not look like or function like conventional spreadsheets.  They generally function like specialized software, and each device is designed to automatically carry out one set of mathematical procedures, such as calculating a budget.  As a result they are very easy to use.  As soon as you enter numbers and click with the mouse calculated results are obtained.  Recalculation automatically takes place when more numbers are entered or deleted.  Most of these devices are relatively large and colorful, which greatly reduces the chances of data entry errors.

The online software devices from the TechForText Network is similar to the downloads described above, but these devices are in a format that permits direct access from a website (JavaScript).  Most of the online devices are for various types of mathematical calculations, and some are electronic calendars.  The online devices are also very easy to use, relatively large, and attractively designed. 



Products and Services from the TechForText Network


The products and services include all that was mentioned above.  However, they can be designed from scratch to meet the precise specifications of a customer.  This includes articles, e-books, and any other type of writing including advertising, and instructions.

The calculation devices in the spreadsheet or JavaScript format can be created to perform almost any type of mathematics the customer needs, including arithmetic, budgeting, accounting, algebra, trigonometry, correlations, calculus, etc.  These devices can be designed to calculate a large number of specialized mathematical sequences simultaneously, as soon as numbers are entered.  As a result, they are usually extremely easy to use, and they can save many hours of work, when compared with other types of calculation software.  Conventional software, whether it is for bookkeeping, or other types of mathematics, usually requires over 100 hours of training and practice.  This often necessitates formal classroom studies.  However, most people can use the calculation devices discussed above, with less than five minutes of study.  You can of course experience this for yourself, without charge, by examining the list of websites with calculation devices on the TechForText Network.  The links are provided at the end of this section.

Website design and construction is available from the TechForText Network.  This can also include websites specially designed to maximize user-friendliness and communication effectiveness.  Business and marketing counseling is offered, with a focus on website design, in relation to advertising of products and services.  Photography and various types of artwork, including some animation, and logos, are offered with or without website construction. 

Tutoring and group instruction is offered for computer operation, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, web design, and how to create calculation devices for people who have advanced backgrounds in mathematics. 

Contact information is on the bottom of this website, or you can left click on the following link. Go to Contact information



Links for the Websites in the TechForText Network


The following four rectangles contain links to open web pages, that have additional links to the over 50 websites in the TechForText Network. 







The Design Philosophy of the TechForText Network is: Design for Optimized Usability


The TechForText design philosophy is focused on creating products and services that are as efficient, effective, and user-friendly as possible, from the perspective of the consumer.  This design philosophy is an ideal, and most of the TechForText websites, articles, e-books, and calculation devices meet this ideal, or at the very least approach it. 

The TechForText websites that were Design for Optimized Usability have on the top portion of the opening page a descriptive title, contact information or a link to the contact information.  This is usually followed by a brief summary, introduction, or abstract, that describes the primary content of the website.  This may be followed by a hyperlink table of contents, especially when the website contains a long article or e-book.  The links and related headings on the table of contents are laid out in a simple commonsense style, which resemble the format used in conventional books.  To go to any section on the website the user left clicks on one of the headings in the table of contents. 

When a website on the TechForText Network contains a long article or e-book, the Design for Optimized Usability involves a recorded narration of the text on sound files.  This gives the user the option of reading the text or listening to it.

To achieve Design for Optimized Usability, unnecessary web pages, pull-down menus, and superfluous graphics are not used.  This provides more screen space for the text.  Thus, large fonts and headings are used.  Each heading is optimally spaced, and it is usually followed by one to four short paragraphs.

Keep in mind that the TechForText websites were used as examples and the design philosophy (Design for Optimized Usability) applies to all types of products and services.  If you want detailed information on this design philosophy left click on these words.


Notes on (the above): Design for Optimized Usability


There may be some websites and other entities on the TechForText Network that do not meet the above ideal (Design for Optimized Usability).  This can involve websites, or other entities that are created in conventional styles, such as to demonstrate options for customers.  When products are made to order for customers they will be designed according to their desires and needs, and they are not obligated to accept the design philosophy discussed above.  In addition, the above concept (Design for Optimized Usability) does not apply to products that are made by other companies, and displayed on the TechForText Network.



Formal Mission Statement: TechForTech Network


 The TechForTech Network offers high-quality user-friendly products, services, and information resources to individuals, businesses, and governmental agencies, worldwide by way of the Internet.  Our emphasis is on innovation, and problem solving, which is ultimately focused on the needs, desires, health and happiness of our customers, our website users, and society in general.  In this regard, the following products and services are offered: 


**Creates products, services, website displays, instructions, documents, that are Designed for Optimized Usability  This is a general design philosophy that is focused on maximizing user-friendliness.



**Provides information resources: in the form of articles, e-books and a large number of links to other resources on the Internet.  This is offered as a public service, without charge, unless otherwise noted.



**Writing services are offered, for articles, e-books, advertising, instructions, reports, and conventional books



**Provides online calculation devices for many types of calculations  This is offered as a public service, without charge, unless otherwise noted. ***



**Creates online calculation devices, electronic calendars, and website communication forms, to the precise specifications of the customer



**Provides downloads of various types, including calculation devices, electronic calendars, project sheets, and databases in a spreadsheet format.  This is provided as a public service, without charge, unless otherwise noted.



**Creates various types of calculation devices, in the spreadsheet format, to precise specifications, to meet the requirements of the customer.



**Designs and builds websites, which may include website related writing, photography, graphics, logos, user-friendly or conventional design.



**Business and marketing counseling, focused on advertising, communication and related website construction



**Offers computer tutoring, and group instruction for general computer operation, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, the Internet, website construction, and how to create calculation devices in the spreadsheet and JavaScript formats.



**Offers repair services, for software related problems, with the Windows operating system, and tutoring for people that want to make their own repairs.



**Offers an advertising and selling outlet, on websites in the TechForText Network for manufacturers and resellers of high quality products and services.




Who Owns and Created the TechForText Network


My name is David Alderoty, and I am the owner, and creator of the TechForText Network.  I wrote all the articles, e-books, and designed and built all the websites, and calculation devices on this Network. 

At this time the TechForText Network is a network of websites.  My goal is to make it a network of people also.  This involves continuous expansion, and greatly increasing the number of users of the TechForText websites.  It will also involve creative individuals, and advertisers, who want to present their work on the TechForText Network.   



You Can Buy Part of, or All of The TechForText Network, With My Services Included.


I am willing to sell the TechForText Network to an individual, or a corporation, with three years of my services included, for $250,000. 

      Alternatively, I can sell a portion of the TechForText Network to any interested party, such as 50% with one and a half years (or 18 months) of my services included, for $125,000, or 25% with nine months of my services included, for $62,500.  Note, these prices will most likely increase, as the TechForText Network expands. 

See the contact information below.



If You Are Interested in Products or Services


If you are interested in my services, or products that I make, such as writing, web design, calculation devices, tutoring, etc, I can provide it based on either temporary or permanent employment, or on a fee-for-service basis.  See the contact information below.


Contact Information


You can contact me (David Alderoty)  at, or you can call me at (212) 581-3740.  Alternatively, you can use a website communication form by left clicking on the blue words Web Form 

My address is 345 W. 50th St., APT 10D New York, NY 10019.  If you are a great distance from my address, or are in a foreign country, this is not important, because the services and products I offer can be delivered through the Internet to any locality.