Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator,

Available Online, and also in the

Excel and OpenOffice Formats for Free Download.


By David Alderoty, January, 2010 Email



This website provides an Integral Calculus Calculator that solves integrals, with five terms, or less.  The calculator also illustrates the steps to solve integrals yourself, with pencil and paper.  The online version is presented below.  If you want the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator in the Excel or formats, scroll all the way down beneath the online calculator.

    Delete the numbers highlighted in green, and enter your own numbers.
    Then left click on the yellow background or the Calculation button.
    C = d = f = g = h = m =
    D = F = G = H = M =
    The green input boxes with lowercase letters (d, f, g, h, m) are for Exponents.
    Scroll to the left, if your screen does not display the entire page.
    A =
    The red numbers are calculated results.
    (C+DXd+FXf+GXg+HXh+MXm)dX =
    B =
    Now you try it! The calculations are carried out as follows: (Scroll to the left, if yourScreen configuration is not wide enough to display all of the calculations.)
    This is equal to the following, (in terms of the numbers you entered for A and B)
    CX + DXd+1 + FXf+1 + GXg+1 + HXh+1 + MXm+1 =
    d+1 f+1 g+1 h+1 m+1
    The red numbers, on the blue background, below, are calculated results, for each term in the integral.
    A CA + DAd+1 + FAf+1 + GAg+1 + HAh+1 + MAm+1 =
    d+1 f+1 g+1 h+1 m+1
    Above are the calculations for the A value, and below are the calculations for the B value.
    CB + DBd+1 + FBf+1 + GBg+1 + HBh+1 + MBm+1 =
    d+1 f+1 g+1 h+1 m+1
    A Below are the total calculated results for the A and B values This is the completed calculated result.
    The B value is on the right, and it is subtracted from the A value. This result is also displayed on the upper section of this page.
    - =





    For a printer friendly version of the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator left click on these words.



    Free Downloads of the Five Term

    Integral Calculus Calculator

    In the Excel and OpenOffice Format


    Note, the following are provided absolutely free of charge. They are not trials with a time limit.


    If you want the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator in the Excel format left click on these words. This requires Microsoft Windows and Excel.


    If you want the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator in the newer version of Microsoft Excel 2007, left click on these words.  This requires Microsoft Windows and Excel 2007, or for earlier versions of Excel, the free Microsoft Compatibility Pack.


    To obtain the free Microsoft Compatibility Pack go to their download website, by Left clicking on these words.


    If you want the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator in the format left click on these words.  This requires Microsoft Windows, and the free software package.


    To go to the website that offers the free software package, left click on these words, or enter in your browser.


    If you want the Five Term integral calculus calculator in all of the above formats, left click on these words.  This is downloaded in a single folder.



    Instructions For The

    Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator


    Note: The Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator is very wide, and to see all of it, with most screen configurations, you must scroll to the right.


    The Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator is not difficult to use.  Start by deleting the numbers in the 11 green input boxes on top of the calculator, and the numbers in the two long green boxes, on the illustration of the Integral.  Then enter your own numbers.  Note, the input boxes with lowercase letters (d, f, g, h, m) are for Exponents.  If the integral you want to solve has less than five terms, put zeros (0) in all the unneeded green input boxes.

          To obtain calculated results, for the online version left click on the yellow background, or press the calculation button. For the Excel and OpenOffice versions, press the enter key or left click with the mouse on the yellow background, to obtain calculated results.

    If you want to see the steps and related mathematics, needed to solve the integral yourself, scroll down to the lowest section of the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator.  This section of the Calculator illustrates the step-by-step solution with the numbers you entered, (in the green boxes on top of the Calculator).  This makes it easy to practice solving integrals.  However, if you are not engaged in the formal study of basic calculus, or are not at all familiar with calculus, you probably will not be able to understand the steps presented by the illustrations, with out help from a mathematics instructor.



    Number Crunching Ability Of The

    Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator


    The Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator in all three formats, online, Excel, and OpenOffice, can calculate extraordinarily large or extremely small numbers, with over 300 digits.  Numbers that have many digits are displayed in scientific notation.  The letter E is used to designate scientific notation.  The online version uses a lowercase e, and the Excel and OpenOffice versions use an uppercase E.  This format is illustrated in the following examples. 



    Examples of the Display of Very Large Numbers

    By the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator


    1000000000000000000000 is displayed as 1e+21.  The 21, with a plus sign, (+) represents the number of decimal places after the first digit. This can be clarified by counting the 21 red highlighted digits in the following: 1000000000000000000000



    1456789666666890000000 is displayed as 1.45678966666689e+21. The 21 represents the number of decimal places after the first digit. This can be seen by counting the digits highlighted in red as follows: 1456789666666890000000



    Examples of How Very Small Numbers

    Are Displayed by the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator

    0.000000000000000000001 is displayed as 1e-21. With this example, 21 with the minus sign represent the number of decimal places after the decimal point, as indicated by the 21 digits highlighted in red as follows: 0.000000000000000000001



    The number 0.0000000000000000000067987 is displayed as 6.7987e-21. Note the 21 with the minus sign (-) represent the number of decimal places after the decimal point. This becomes clear by counting the digits highlighted in red as follows: 0.0000000000000000000067987




    Astronomically Large Numbers, and The

    Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator.

    When large numbers, with approximately 306 digits or greater are calculated you will usually get an error message, such as NaN, #NUM! or #VALUE!  


    Infinitesimally Small Numbers and the

    Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator

    When calculated results are infinitesimally small, (such as 1e-350) the calculator will round the number down to 0 (zero).


    Entering Very Large and Very Small Numbers, Into the Green Input Boxes, of the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator


    The green input boxes can hold numbers with over 300 digits.  However, if you enter more than 15 digits, you will not be able to see the entire number, but this will not affect the accuracy of calculated results.  If you enter more than 21 digits the calculator will usually convert the number to scientific notation, which will make the entire number visible.



    Note, when calculating very large and very small numbers, you should press the button marked Delete Everything after completing each calculation. If this is not done the calculator might get jammed up, which can be solved by left clicking on the Delete Everything button.



    When There Is No Calculated Result


    There are certain number combinations that will produce no calculated result, whether the mathematics is done manually or with the calculator.  One example is when an exponent is NOT a positive or negative integer, or zero, the values in the input boxes, with the designation A and B, must be positive to obtain a calculated result. See the input boxes with the A and B designation on the Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator to clarify the above.  For example, if you enter an exponent of= 1.01, A= -2, and B=1, the calculator will display an error message.  If you perform such calculations by hand, it becomes obvious why there are no calculated results, based on real numbers.



    My Name is David Alderoty, and

    I Designed and Built this Website and the

    Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator


    I can design and build user-friendly software based calculation devices for arithmetic, accounting, algebra, trigonometry, correlations, calculus, etc.  I can create attractive calculation devices for your website.


    I can also create communication forms with submit buttons, for websites.  This can include forms with built-in calculation devices.


    I generally make these devices in the Microsoft Excel,, and the JavaScript formats, but I can work with other spreadsheet formats besides the above.


    I write instructions for the devices I build.  I can also write instructions for software and computer devices created by others.  In addition, I can write advertising for your products or services.


    For a detailed list of all the services I offer, see  For a list of all my websites see


    If you need my services, you can call me at (212) 581-3740, or e-mail me  You can also send your message in a website communication form, by left clicking on these Words.  For conventional mail My address is 345 W. 50th St., APT 10D New York, NY 10019. 


    If you are a great distance from my locality, or are in a foreign country, this is not important.  I can provide these services worldwide, because the software and websites I make can be delivered through the Internet to any locality, providing there are no government restrictions.


    I can provide the services mentioned above on a fee-for-service basis, or possibly based on permanent or temporary employment.  My resume is online at: