
This website provides information for reinforcing your writing by linking or embedding videos and software into your electronic documents (such as webpages, or Presentations).  The information provided is in the form of 3400 words of text, 20 embedded videos, and JavaScript software.

Created by David Alderoty © 2012.

To contact the author use this e‑mail address:,

or left click on the link below for a website communication form.


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If you want additional information after reading, viewing
 and listening to the material on this website see the following:



I will start this discussion by displaying some examples of embedded videos, and JavaScript software, which will be followed by explanations on how to embed videos and software to reinforce your writing. There are 20 videos presented below, and they are more than just examples.  The videos provide a major portion of the information presented on this website. 
        If you are writing about mathematics you can also reinforce your material, by embedding or linking to JavaScript software that performs and/or illustrates the mathematical concepts, which can be combined with videos on the same electronic document. 
        Below there are 37 examples of videos, and JavaScript software that is embedded or linked to this webpage.  This includes a brief discussion about iframes, which is followed by step-by-step instructions on how to embed videos and JavaScript software in HTML webpages. 

NOTE: All the videos are from other authors, but I created this website, and the JavaScript software.  The website was created with Microsoft Word and the Seamonkey HTML editor.

The video below has no audio, and it demonstrates how to embedded videos into OpenOffice:

Example 1

The following four videos provide information on how to embed videos into a PowerPoint presentation     

Example 2

Example 3


 Example 4


 Example 5

The following four videos provide information on how to embed videos into a HTML webpage:

 Example 6


Example 7




Example 8



Example 9


The following three videos provide information on how to use Seamonkey, which is an open source HTML editor for creating webpages.  If you want Seamonkey you can obtain it free of charge from the following website:

 Example 10

Example 11


Example 12


The following eight videos provide information on iframes, which were used to embed all the videos and software on this website.

Example 13

Example 14

Example 15

Example 16

Example 17

Example 18

 Example 19

Example 20

Iframes, for Embedding Videos and JavaScript Software

What is an iframe?  An iframe is comprised of HTML code, and it is used to embed one webpage into another.  The code comprising an iframe is relatively simple, which can be seen from the example presented below:

<iframe src=""></iframe>

A more complex example of an iframe, with a number HTML tags, and an error message is as follows:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0"
height="1900" scrolling="no" width="800">ERROR MESSAGE:
The browser you are now using does NOT support iframes. Use another browser</iframe>

If you want more information about iframes, watch the videos presented above, and consult the following websites:,

        All of the videos presented above were embedded into this website using iframes.  Actually, iframes can be used to embed any webpage into another website, regardless of what the webpage may contain.  Iframes can also be used to embed JavaScript software into a webpage.  However, I usually place all of the JavaScript code that comprises the software directly into the webpage.  I can do this because I created the software, and I have all of the code on my computer.  However, below I have embedded three of the JavaScript devices I created with iframes to demonstrate this utility.  I also provide hyperlinks to a number of websites that I created, with JavaScript software embedded directly in the webpage, without iframes.

All of the JavaScript software presented below are calculation devices, which function directly over the Internet.  To use these devices, delete the numbers in the input boxes, on top of the device.  Then, enter your own numbers and left click with the mouse anywhere on the background, and you will see the calculated results.

The computer code used to embed the following calculation device is presented below:


<iframe src="" frameborder="0" height="1900" scrolling="no" width="800">ERROR MESSAGE: The browser you are now using does NOT support iframes.

Use another browser</iframe>

Example 21

The computer code used to embed the following calculation device is presented below:


<iframe src=""frameborder="0" height="1050" scrolling="NO" width="80%">ERROR MESSAGE: The browser you are now using does NOT support iframes. Use another browser</iframe>

Example 22

The computer code used to embed the following calculation device is presented below:

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" height="1000" scrolling="no" width="80%"> ERROR MESSAGE:  The browser you are now using does NOT support iframes. Use another browser</iframe>

Example 23

The following examples are on the indicated websites. These examples are calculation devices consisting of JavaScript code that was pasted into the body of HTML webpages. 


Example 24 ) Integral-Calculus-Calculator



Example 25) Quadratic-Equation-Calculator



Example 26) Division-Calculator



Example 27) The Percentage Clock-Calendar



Example 28) The Shopper's-Calculator



Example 29) Physics Calculator for Molecular Speed



Example 30) The Online Time Calculator for Adding Hours and Minutes



Example 31) Budget-Rate Calculator



Example 32) Correction Factor Budget Calculators



Example 33) (Very interesting) Decision Channeling Calculator



Example 34) The Radius-Sphere Calculator



Website-35) A New Type of Integral Calculus Calculator



Website-36) Five Term Integral Calculus Calculator



Website-37) MegaIntegral Calculus Calculators



Website-38) Correction Factor Budget Calculators




           Videos are one of the best ways of circumventing the limitations of written language.  However, to create a professional level video requires specialized skills, and it is extremely time consuming, especially if you are presenting technical material.  Thus, I do NOT create videos, and my focus is on presenting technical and scientific concepts in written language.  However, I often reinforce my writing with videos created by other authors, by linking to relevant videos on the Internet.  

           There are three ways that videos can be used to reinforce text on a website, or in any type of electronic document, which are as follows:


1 ) Videos can be used to explain the same material presented in a document with text, to clarify concepts, and techniques.  Certain types of material cannot be adequately explained solely with written language, and reinforcement of the text with video solves the problem.  This is especially the case with techniques that require steps based on visual movements.  Examples are using software; manipulating knobs, and levers to operate electronic or mechanical equipment; performing exercise or dance movements; weaving; and knitting.


2) Videos can be used to provide additional information that relates to the text presented in an electronic document.  This can involve presenting the portion of the material that can be easily explained with written language, and the remainder of the material with a video that is link to, or embedded in the document.  For example, when I discuss software I sometimes explained the functionality and utility of the software, and provide links to videos that demonstrate in a step-by-step way, on how to use the software.


3) Videos can be used to provide the reader with alternative points of view, or even techniques and concepts that go the on the knowledge and experience of the writer.  Articles, and e-books, as well as videos can be used for this purpose.  When a document is reinforced in this way, it circumvents any limitations in the writer's knowledge and experience, as well as providing a diverse perspective on a topic.  



           There are two ways that videos can be connected to an electronic document.  Both of these techniques work especially well with websites.  The simplest and most efficient way is to provide hyperlinks to one or more relevant videos on the Internet or on your own network or computer.  This can be done by placing the link for the video directly in the paragraph where you want to reinforce the text, or at the end of a paragraph, section, or chapter.  When you want to reinforce an explanation that may not be easily understood, it is best to place a link for a video directly in the explanatory text, or beneath it.  For example, How to make a hyperlink (

           Another method of using video with an electronic document is to embed the video directly in the document.  This technique is aesthetically superior to linking to videos.  The video actually appears to be part of the document itself, but the video remains on the original server, where the creator of the video placed it.  There are some disadvantages to this technique.  The first is embedding is more time-consuming, and it requires more technical knowledge and skills than placing a hyperlinked to a video in your text.  Embedded videos consume space on your document, which can be a major problem if you are using a number of videos to reinforce your text.  When you embed a video in your document, you have to have appropriate embedding code, which is provided by the author of the video.  Some people that create videos do not permit embedding their work in documents created by other authors, and thus they do not provide the required code for embedding.  Attempting to circumvent their desires is a copyright violation.  

           None of the above problems are encountered when you use hyperlinks to videos.  Hyperlinks are quickly created, they take up very little room, and you have the freedom to link to any video that is publicly displayed on the Internet.  For these reasons, I usually use hyperlinks to videos.  However, I will explain a technique that I use when I embed videos or software into HTML webpages in the following paragraphs.

           However, if you are not working with HTML webpages, there are many ways of inserting videos into various types of software, presented on YouTube.  The best strategy is to carry out an Internet search that relates to the type of document you are creating, with search phrases such as: Embedding videos in PowerPoint, Embedding videos in Microsoft Word, Embedding videos in OpenOffice, etc.  For this search you should use and/or  Hyperlinks to some examples of the type of videos you will find are presented below:


If you want to embed videos into a conventional Microsoft Word document, see Word 2007 Tutorial 24 - Inserting YouTube Videos Into Word


If you want to embed videos into PowerPoint 2010 see: How to embed a YouTube video into

PowerPoint 2010 at,


If you want to embed videos into PowerPoint 2007 see: Embed YouTube into PowerPoint 2007, no internet connection 



 A Technique of Embedding Videos and JavaScript Software Into HTML Webpages:  I have found that this technique is highly efficient, but you should keep in mind that there are many ways of embedding videos and software into HTML webpages.

           I very often in bed JavaScript software directly into the electronic documents I write.  Documents of this nature are usually about the JavaScript software itself, such as how I created the software, what it does, and how to use it.  Embedding JavaScript software into a document, involves the same basic technique as embedding a video.  Specifically, it involves opening a document that is in the conventional webpage format, with an HTML editor.  For the video, embedding code is pasted into the body of the HTML code.  For the software, ALL OF THE JAVASCRIPT CODE THAT COMPRISES THE SOFTWARE is pasted into the body of the HTML code. 

           If you are not used to dealing with computer code, you might find this technique quite difficult and confusing.  In such a case you are better off using hyperlinks, unless you are interested in learning a little bit about manipulating computer code.  I outline the technique described above in a simplified step-by-step way below.  If you know how to open and save an HTML document in Microsoft Word, or in an HTML editor, you should be able to follow these steps.


Step 1) Create an HTML document with the text you want to reinforce with the video.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to use Microsoft Word to create your document, but you can use any software that provides the functionality needed to create a conventional HTML webpage.


Step 2) Search for the videos you need for your document.  The videos must have embedding code available provided by the author of the video.  When you find the videos you need, you may want to modify your text, so that it better coincides with the material in the videos.


Step 3) When you are writing your document, you should place temporary markings in the form of letters, indicating where you want to place your video.  I use a series of capital Ts, with two Vs in the center, and code for the the video or software is placed in between two Vs.




Step 4) When you have completed the above, and you are finished writing your document, you should convert it to an HTML format, if it is not already in HTML.  If you are working with Microsoft Word, save your document as Web Page Filtered.  When a document is saved with Web Page Filtered, formatting code that is not needed for a completed webpages removed.


Step 5) After completing the above, you must open your document in an HTML editor to view the computer code that comprises the document. (Before attempting this, you should make sure you have one or more backup copies of your document, because it is easy to make and error when working with HTML, which can ruin all your work. When your document is opened in the HTML editor it will look totally different than it looked in Microsoft Word.  You will see computer code combined with the text, which can be quite confusing if you are not familiar with manipulating HTML code.)


Step 6) When your document is opened in the HTML editor, use the search function to find TTTTV.


Step 7) When you have found the TTTV, copy and paste the embedding code between to TTTTVVTTTT, such as:  TTTTV<embedding code>VTTTT.  When the letters are deleted the video will be in the correct position. 

NOTE: When carrying out Step 7, above or Step 8, below you must be very careful, so you do not delete any HTML code.  However, you can move the code downward, by pressing the enter key, if you need additional room to paste the code.

Step 8) After completing all of the above, you can delete the letters (TTTTV, and VTTTT), but you should do this very cautiously and slowly, to avoid an accidental deletion of computer code.  An alternative way of deleting the letters is to open the document in the visual section of an HTML editor.  This eliminates the possibility of accidentally deleting computer code, and it provides the versatility needed to make other final adjustments to the document.

           Note* You can open an HTML document, and embed videos, or software in the document, using Notepad, which is provided free with the Windows operating system.  With Notepad I have found that the process goes very smoothly, and there is no crash which sometimes happens when using more complex HTML editors.  Problems are more likely to result when the webpage is large.  However, with Notepad, you can only see the HTML computer code, and the text.  Thus, you cannot make precise adjustments to the document or the location of the video, based on visual manipulations.  You can only manipulate the computer code, when using Notepad, which can be difficult, and it may result in errors.

           To avoid the problems mentioned above, you should use an HTML editor that has WYSIWYG functionality.  ( WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get.)  HTML editors in this category, provide the functionality of creating or modifying an HTML webpage, by code and/or by manipulating the text and graphics comprising the document visually.  For example, you can adjust the position of a video by manipulating computer code, or by moving the graphic frame of the video into the desired position with the mouse.  In addition, you can see the results of manipulations, whichever method you use.  Some of the WYSIWYG HTML editors are highly complex and expensive, but some of the best HTML editors are open source, and available free of charge.  One of the free HTML editors that I have been using is Seamonkey, which is quite versatile, and you can download it from  There are many other free HTML editors including the following:

Amaya HTML editor form:  Also see  

PageBreeze HTML editor from:


KompoZer HTML editor See


The Utility of Multimedia Documents:  Multimedia documents have many uses, besides the utility mentioned above.  The concept of online learning involves electronic documents.  If audio and/or video is added to the document, it involves multimedia.  Multimedia, is probably more efficient and effective way of learning, when compared to reading text, without any audio or video reinforcement.  However, multimedia and online learning probably is not superior to conventional classroom studies, especially for younger students.  As the concept of online learning develops, it may involve more multimedia, and hopefully high-quality instructional videos, which may result in courses that equal or surpass classroom studies.

           Multimedia is especially useful for presenting scientific concepts, because animation can be used to represent moving particles, such as molecules and atoms.  Animation is also useful for explaining how mechanical devices work, such as gasoline and steam engines.  If you are writing about any of these topics it is a good idea to carry out an Internet search for animations that present the concepts in a dynamic format, which can be linked or embedded in your document. 





Additional Information From Other Authors



If you want more information about the above see the following websites and videos from other authors, by left clicking on the blue links, presented below.  If a link fails, enter the blue words into Google’s search engine at  If the link that failed is for a video use

           When you left click on a link for a video, a web page will open, which usually has a large number of high-quality videos that are related to the words on the hyperlink you clicked on.  However, when you click on the link it will usually start only one video automatically, which may take a few seconds.  If the video does not start automatically, left click on the link provided by the author of the video.  This link is usually in the center of the screen.

Words on website: Create, select, edit, or delete a hyperlink

Words on website: WYSIWYG implies a user interface that allows the user to view something very similar to the end result while the document is being created

Words on website: NASA Home Multimedia

Words on website: How to embed a video into OpenOffice

Words on video: Working With Hyperlinks in OpenOffice Writer

Words on video: Microsoft Publisher Web Design made Easy - Embed Video in Web Page

Words on video: How to: Insert a YouTube Video into PowerPoint

Words on video: How To: Embed HD Youtube Videos Tutorial

Words on video: Advantages of e-Learning

Words on video: Future of E-learning

Words on video:Multimedia and Learning

Words on video: Multimedia Learning Theory


           The following are search pages, which contain links to a large number of websites, with additional information and/or resources.  If you do not obtain the information or resources you want, try modifying the search phrase DIRECTLY IN THE SEARCH ENGINE.  Left click on the blue words, and the search page will open.  If the link fails, enter the search phrase in the relevant search engine.  Note, if you click on the blue words you will obtain search pages, but if you click on the URL a search engine will open, without search pages.


Search phrase (with How to create hyperlinks with Microsoft word


Search phrase (with ) How to create hyperlinks with Microsoft word


Search phrase (with Creating hyperlinks


Search phrase (with How to embed videos



Video Search phrase (with How to embed videos